"Old Riga". Šāļu gate and Šāļu tower.
"Old Riga". St John's tower, Kaļķu gate, Kaļķu tower and Town Hall: view from water (i.e. across the canal).
"Old Riga". Kaļķu gate and Kaļķu tower.
"Old Riga". View through Kaļķu gate to Town Hall.
"Old Riga". Šāļu iela.
"Old Riga". Restaurant in the Town Hall cellar.
"Old Riga". View of Kaļķu tower (postcard).
"Old Riga". Town Hall (postcard).
"Old Riga" - a view of the drawbridge.
Poem "To Riga 700th Anniversary Exhibition in June, July and August 1901" published by M. Freibergs.